
Filmed by Oren Manzur
“Kittens&Puppies” is a duet for a female and a male dealing with both the clash and
the merge between an inner-wild self and social codes and norms. With physicality
learned from animalistic worlds and behaviors imitated from one another, this couple
of savage domesticated creatures explore the point in their development at which
they learned what they can be and how they should behave. The piece travels
through different types of relations: siblings, strangers, parent/child, romantic and
friendship, all soaked in loneliness and intimacy.
Performed by: Shiraz Dagan & Gilad Jerusalmy
Premiered: Curtin Up Dance Festival 2021 Tel Aviv
Artistic Directors: Dana Ruttenberg and Oded Graf
Music: “Wolves” by Phosphorescent
The piece was developed at Menashe Dance House residency program.