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Since 2015 Gilad has been teaching dance and movement classes to a variety of audiences. Teaching movement research and floorwork classes to professional dancers in companies including Inbal Dance Theatre, Kolban Dance Company and at professional dancers training such as Suzanne Dellal dance center’s ProMorning program and MASH Jerusalem’s PRACTICE program. Gilad teaches and creates short works for different dance programs and schools, leading movement research sessions for adults with no previous background in dance and teaching movement to infants and their parents. Through the year Gilad gives a variety of workshops around the globe for both professional and non professional movers.

Movement research 

Some of us experience the world in hypersensitivity and ultra exposure. One of the ways to deal with these experiences is through the body. What our soul is unable to regulate, our body sometimes knows better how. An intensive, sweaty and physical experience full of breath. Letting the flesh take over the mind. Creating complex movements that leave no room for thoughts. These are tools that can support us in handling this reality. 


Through guided movement research based on years of teaching, creating and performing, Gilad offers methods to ride on waves of creativity and intuition, seeking inspiration in every single thing around us: The body, the space we are in, our partners who share space with us, sounds, and of course - imagination. Creating a space of togetherness and individuality, asking to stay with the body. The raw, fleshy, sweaty and heart-beating body. A body that contains both sorrow and pain next to relief and joy.

Creations for young companies & students

Using his own methods of creation - Gilad is translating his artistic process into group research. Connecting personal experiences to a broader global sensation. Researching both brutal and tender encounters between the body to itself, to another body and to the floor. Using repetitive movements until the point of exhaustion, whilst examining what is an honest motion that is not a representation of an action but is the action itself. 

"Ten out of TenCarmela Dance Group|Filmed by Front Photography

Floor Work 

Gilad’s classes are composed of powerful and dynamic floorwork technique. An energetic study of contraction and expansion around three basic elements: pushing, folding, and rolling. The workshops are built from practices of receiving and leaving the floor, traveling exercises in space, rolling, strengthening the body and lots of sweat.

Learning to use explosive power while keeping the body safe, exploring how to produce power, aggression and elements of surprise while maintaining the body and using it wisely.


Gilad gives a variety of repertory workshops, both of his own creations and of different choreographers he has worked with.

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